Episode 2: John Rosengrant

In this episode, which you can find here or on any of your favorite podcast platforms (including Apple, Spotify, and Overcast), Barry and Jim interview John Rosengrant, who is not only an excellent modeler and figure sculptor, he has one of the coolest day jobs as a special effects artist. John has created some of the most memorable and iconic characters in movies and television. Here are some links to learn more.

Legacy Effects, the special effects company John co-founded:  https://www.legacyefx.com/

A lot of John’s modeling work can be found on the following thread at the Planet Figure forum: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/101st-airborne-normandy.117700/

John wrote a full article about building his diorama “Leave No Man Behind” in Shep Paine's Armor Modelers Guide (edited by none other than co-host Jim DeRogatis)

Below you’ll find images of the specific pieces Jim and Barry cited as some of their favorites in this episode.


Barry's pick #1 - The True Face of War.


Jim's pick #1 - Calm Before the Storm.


Barry's pick #2 - George Preddy.


Jim's pick #2 - Valley Forge.


Leave No Man Behind.


John sculpted his own face on this rifleman from the American War for Independence.