Episode 31: Tools (And Other Stuff) That We CAN Live Without

Last September, on Episode 27, Barry and Jim had a lot of fun talking about “Tools They Can’t Live Without,” and they got some great feedback from listeners (as well as some good-natured grumbling about all the money they cost their friends by stocking up on some of those goodies!). For the first podcast of 2023, they deliver the sequel they promised back then: Tools (And Other Stuff) They Hate (according to Jim), or Tools (And Other Stuff) That Just Haven’t Worked for Him (according to Barry, who is overall a kinder person). Here are some pix of the offending gear and products, with the proviso that, hey, maybe they HAVE worked for you, and if so, congrats! As always, the boys welcome your feedback—leave them a voice message here—and they appreciate you listening. Onward!

The Glue Looper.

The Dremel Flexi-Shaft attachment.

The Proxon Mini-Jigsaw, with the inconvenient (and possible dangerous) on/off switch circled.

The Proxon Rotary Tool, which Jim loves, except for that bit-swap-out button.

The Micro-Mark Mini Table Saw, which Jim also loves, except for that blade guard (since removed) which didn’t allow cutting longer pieces.

The Grab Handler.

The Etch Mate.

Mission Models Paint.

The Flexi-File.

A pin vise push drill (and yeah, they’ve tried several different brands, and no, none have worked for them).

The dreaded plastic sanding needles.

The useless steel blocks Barry cheaped out on.

The Infini Easycutting Matt.