Episode 30: Will Pattison

One of our favorite and most outspoken voices in the hobby, we thought it was long overdue for us to chat with Will Pattison, especially since Jim needed some advice on chipping, and Will is the master! Based in New Mexico, Will studied mechanical engineering and worked in that field for some time; he has also worked as a professional photographer, and his work can be seen here. On the modeling tip, Will frequently posts to the Scale Modelers Critique Group on Facebook, shares his knowledge on his YouTube Channel, and talks modeling and other things with co-hosts Tracy Hancock and Chris Meddings on the Sprue Cutters Union podcast, and he’s written for several hobby magazines. Pictured below is a sampling of his work, including the Mustang that brought him back to modeling as occupational therapy, and several figures that he is far too eager to deride (we think they’re pretty great!). Thanks as always for listening, and a quick note that you might want to take this one in on headphones, since we quickly abandoned any attempt to edit Will’s at-times “colorful” language.