Episode 17: Talking with Chris Meddings

In addition to being a Small Subjects-certified “great guy,” Bristol, England-based Chris Meddings is a master modelers whose scratchbuilding skills are especially stunning; the co-host (with Will Pattison and Tracy Hancock) of the Sprue Cutters’ Union podcast; the owner of Inside the Armour Publications, and a budding figure sculptor and painter who we’re eager to encourage. We talked with Chris about all of this and more, and followed up on a few questions you, our listeners, have posed. Useful links and images below, and thanks as always for listening!

A scratchbuilt tank by Chris. Look at all that white styrene!

Chris’s first sculpted figure was a flat based on the woodcut "Moon on Mount Yoshino" by Japanese artist Yoshitoshi. It is available for sale via Inside the Armour here.

Chris’s sculpt of the commander of the Churchill in the diorama we discussed. He’s currently sculpting a Sardinian Mamuthone.

Here are the figure proportion canons that Barry uses most often use, including the one that shows the difference between the heroic, idealized, and typical proportions he mentioned.

We’ve gotten a couple of questions about links to the Web sites that feature numerous poses from models of all shapes, sizes, and sexes that can be most helpful for figure sculptors. Here are Jim’s favorites, but be forewarned: They are not necessarily safe for work.




Jim mentioned Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies cards as a useful way to break through creative dilemmas. (Originally intended for artists in the recording studio, they can help artists in any medium, if you approach them with an open mind!) This Web site automatically generates one of the cards, and you can refresh it to get other examples of the advice/challenges they offer.